Friday, January 20, 2012

Poots Personified

Boys are just gross.  Inherently.  I know that there are moms who will claim that their girls are just as gross or grown women who will claim that they are themselves, but I'm sure that if you had a group of 100 boys or men and a group of 100 girls or women, you would find 90 males who think that farts are always funny and 10 females who do.

Last night, William was lying down with me while I watched something completely wholesome and appropriate.  This is what I refer to as I-really-want-to-watch-my-show-yet-it's-bedtime-so-how-'bout-you-fall-asleep-in-my-bed-while-I-watch-Private-Practice?

So, as Dr. Addison Montgomery was trying to figure out how she was going to get her baby, William said

I pooted-ed

And now my poot is fighting with the good air.

And it will kill all of the good air. 

Were truer words ever spoken?

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