Thursday, September 29, 2011

Liam Knows Best

William is at that stage where he is trying out inappropriate words and phrases just to see what he can get away with. He's obsessed with "stupid and shut up" as in "Mom, I can't say stupid and shut up because those are ugly words. Right, Mom? Right?" Except he's asking the question just so that he can say those words in a way that won't get him into trouble. So, he's either going to be a future ad exec (see previous posts) or a politician.

We've moved on to potty words most recently. Poop. Fart. And diarrhea (thanks pre-school friends!) I try not to make a big deal out of every little thing, because any parent knows that making a big deal out of something very often reinforces the behavior that we're trying to curb.

So, while we were putting on shoes and getting ready to go to school, William pipes up

Sometimes, when we are playing the "girlfriends game" (that will have to be explained in another post) I tell the girls to back off! (Pause) But, Liam said that's a ugly word. Is back off a ugly word?
Well, I don't know if I would call it an ugly word, but it's not very polite.

(I mean, between that and the potty words and the "stupid" and "shut up," I'll take "back off." And, sometimes those girls do need to back off. Word).

But, Liam says it is a ugly word.

Who are you going to believe? Liam, or your mom?

I am going to believe Liam because he's my friend and he works at my school. (As do all of his classmates).
Well, there you have it. But, I think I'm going to have to side with Liam on this one, now that I think about it.

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