Monday, December 19, 2011

Best in Show

It's been awhile.  I have several stories to share, but I'll start with this one.

William's daycare/preschool puts on a Christmas program every year.  William is very much the ham, something he gets quite honestly.  It's such a treat to watch him belting out "The Twelve Dogs of Christmas," mouth stretched as widely as possible when singing "FIIIIIIIIIIIIVE GOOOOOOLDEN RETRIEEEEVEERS!" dancing with his white boy rhythm. And, to get the best possible view, you know I was sitting front row.  And suddenly, mid-song, his eyes locked with mine, his mouth opened and he belted out,

"Mom!  I need to go potty!"

Fortunately the bathroom was a few steps stage right and we made it back for the twelfth dog of Christmas, which was ironically a cat.

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