Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Two-fer

William has reached an important rite of passage in every young man's life.  Yes, an obsession with Legos.  He loves them.  He doesn't exactly know how to put them together on his own *cough* enabling parents who do it for him *cough* but he loves them.

Every time we go to Target, we have to go look at the Lego section.  And, no.  He does not get to purchase a set even close to every time.  He is satisfied with looking and putting them on the imaginary and never-ending "birthday list" or "Christmas list."  It's amazing how that works, by the way.

Can you buy this for me?

No.  Not today.

Can you get it for me for my birthday?

We'll put it on the list.

(Excitedly) Thanks, Mom! (I will be so sad when this ploy no longer works).

So, this past weekend my in-laws had the boys spend the night Friday and  told them they'd take them to Target to get a toy on Saturday.  It had to be less than $20. Where do you think William took them?  That's right.  Straight to the Lego section.  She pointed to the row of Legos that were $19.99.  His eye wandered to a row of Legos that were $39.99.

How about one of these, Gaga?

Not those.  See the 3 there?  You need to look for Legos that have a 1 as the first number.

What about this one?

Um, that has a 9 in front.  I don't think I have enough money for those, William.

Sounds like you need to get a job, Gaga.

He eventually settled on two Star Wars Death Star Lego sets for $9.99 each.  And Gaga has no plans to get a job to support William's Lego habit any time soon.

One of the sets he wants is about $70.  It's the Lego City Forest  Police Station.  Definitely one on the "Christmas list."  He talks about it all. the. time.  Santa better deliver.  I'm just saying.

This morning on the way to school, something occurred to him.

Mom.  Why do they call it Far-est City.  It's not that far. (Keep in mind.  We live in the South.  We don't always say things like you do).

Honey. It's FOR-est.  The place with lots of trees.

Yeah, cause all you have to do is turn right.  Then you go where my finger is pointing and then you go over this bridge, and then it's right there.  (Apparently he knows the exact location of an imaginary Lego forest).

Um.  Yup.  It's really not that far.

1 comment:

  1. New post! New post! New post!!!

    I loved this one so much I want another!!!
