Tuesday, May 7, 2013

You're So Funny, You Should Host a Talk Show

Or at least appear on one.

Last night William and I were doing homework together.  One of his tasks was to identify and find the value of a quarter.  As he meticulously wrote 25¢ on the line he commented, "Twenty-five.  That's how old you are!"

I answered, "Not quite."

He guessed, "Twenty-six, twenty-seven?"

"Not exactly.  I'm forty."

"Forty?  You gotta be kidding me!"

"Forty is no joke, kid."

I must've chuckled which gave him the notion that he was hilarious enough for late night talk shows because his follow up was

"I think that I should be on the Tonight Show.  Can you get me on there?"

"Well, it's not that easy.  You have to be invited."

"Well, can't you Facebook them or Twitter them?" (And no, my six year old does not have either. And I barely ever use Twitter myself.  Facebook is a different story, but I digress).

"Umm, it's not that simple.  They have to know of you somehow. Like you have to do something that they hear about and then invite you on."

"Well, why don't you Twit them or Tweet them or something.  I think that people would really like to see me on there.  I would crack them up.  They would think that I'm really funny."

They just might, kid.  They just might.

We're going to hold out for Jimmy Fallon.

1 comment:

  1. I love all of the new posts -- keep em coming!!

    And I look forward to seeing that kid on Fallon!!! LOL!
