Sunday, November 13, 2011

On Road Rage

We went to church last night.  Ben (the husband) and I took separate cars so that my mom (Mimi) could ride with me.  We don't have that fancy third row seating, so we can only accommodate two adults and two children.  William was going to ride with me so that he could also ride with Mimi and Henry didn't have much to say either way, so it was set. Until William changed his mind.  No big deal, right?  Turned out, it kind of was.

As I was merging onto the the pre-merging lane, I saw Ben's car in my rear view mirror.  And another car that was behind me in the pre-merging lane.  Ben sped up to try to get in front of said car.  When it became obvious that Ben was going to be unsuccessful, he slowed down.  I made a comment to my mom that Ben will surely consider said driver a complete idiot, as is anyone who does not do what Ben thinks is the "right thing."

When we got to church, Ben and William were waiting for us in the foyer.  Ben tells me that he "had a moment" and forgot William was in the car with him.  Called it.  I didn't ask him what he said.  We were in church. Couldn't be that bad, could it?

This morning, William tells Ben

I know what you said last night and I know what it means.  You know, when that car almost got us in a accident.

What's that?

You said "funky tree hole."

Thanks a lot, Dad.  Good thing he had no point of reference to comprehend what you REALLY said.

Good job.

Funky tree hole.


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