Sunday, October 2, 2011

Brown Chicken Brown Cow

Did I mention that William is obsessed with Star Wars?  We play light sabers, 'lectricity from our hands, Anakin with the burned off hair...

He has two Star Wars encyclopedias that he pores over.  This one, that's from the movies and one from Clone Wars.  So, he's familiar with even some of (what I would consider) obscure characters.

Tonight he was playing with his Gaga (my mother-in-law) and Ahsoka Tano and Amidala were featured prominently in their play.  They cried a lot.  He really couldn't tell me why, but he wanted to know if Amidala could sleep with him tonight.  Not a figure.  Not a picture.  Just an imaginary Amidala.  But, he wanted permission first.

Please, Mom!  Please Amidala can sleep with me in my bed?  I really, really want her to!

Uh... Why?  Why do you want Amidala to sleep with you?

Because, I just really want her to!

(What is that they say about lawyers in court?  Never ask a question that you don't already know the answer to?  I can't help it, though.  I gotta know).

What are guys going to do? 

Read bed time stories and have fun!

Still a little too vague for me, but I'll allow it.  The biggest question, though, is what would he have done had I said no?

And the rest of the story...

At bedtime.

Is Amidala still planning on sleeping with you?

Yeah.  And Ahsoka wants to sleep with me, too.

I don't know if there's room for all of you.

Ahsoka can sleep on top of me because she likes me. (??????)  And she is very light.

How about she sleeps here at the foot of the bed?

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