Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat

Halloween.  Time for the annual family "bash."  Well, our version of a bash.  My in-laws, parents, and brother, sister-in-law, and niece (y'all know Boo) come over for chili and dogs and then some of the adults take the children trick-or-treating while the others hand out candy.  It's a great set-up.  My in-laws, who live about 20 minutes away, get to see the kids dressed up and participate in their Halloween.  (My parents and brother live in my neighborhood, so they would see the kids anyway).  Still, good times.  And the senior moms insist on providing dinner, so I'm winning all over the place.

I am a big fan of dressing up, not so much the ToTing.  I like the giving of the candy, but not so much the collecting of the candy.  I mean, my older child is only four and a half, so he only needs so much candy.  My 18 month old needs almost none.  We have never hit more than twenty houses, and then we're back home.  No complaints.  In fact, William was really concerned about missing the trick-or-treaters.  On the way home he insisted that he would be good at handing out candy because he was a good "hander."

After arriving back home, he took off the belt and cape of his his Count Dooku costume, leaving him in a black mock turtleneck and black pants, and then donned a pilot's helmet.  The costume of a trick-or-treater spotter and candy passer-outer.

For the rest of the night we heard,  
"Daddy, there are more guest-es.  I'll get the candy!"

As we all know, I am not very much on his radar lately, not even being invited to the wedding.

All the same, it was precious watching my little man passing out candy to kids three times his age.

P.S.  We stuck with the recent Star Wars theme.  William was Count Dooku, as mentioned above. Henry was Yoda, Boo was Leia, and Mimi and Uncle Tommy were both random Jedis, thanks to robes that I actually sewed myself.

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