Saturday, October 1, 2011

Light up Star Wars Shoes

There are two kinds of parents in this world. The kind that think that light up shoes are tacky and the ones that think that light up shoes are tacky, yet buy them for their kids anyway. Maybe tacky isn't the right word. It's just a little disconcerting to see light emanating from footwear. Garish, maybe?

About a year ago, I bit the bullet and headed to Stride Rite to buy William some shoes. He has a weird foot and has always been hard to buy shoes for. I figured that I could find a nice pair at the big fancy shoe store.

We bought a nice pair of navy Saucony Velcro-strapped shoes. Plain. Just the way I like them.

Yet, he would put them on and stomp around going, "Look at my Star Wars shoes! They light up!" Whatever you say, dude.

So, best of both worlds for this mama. I get the plain shoes, he gets the light up shoes and we only had to buy one pair.

One day this summer, I insisted that he wear his Crocs (another parent favorite--I actually like them).

He said, "But, Mom. I want to wear my light up Star Wars shoes! These don't light up!"
(Hmm...let's try this) How about you pretend that these ones light up like you pretend with your light up Star Wars shoes.

That's a great idea! Mom, you're a genius! (You never know what's going to work. Crisis avoided).
The day came (just two weeks ago) when those plain/light up shoes had to be retired. They began to rip in front. Back to Stride Rite.

There on the wall--a whole row of Star Wars shoes. That lit up. Joy.

Ones that looked like the helmet of Captain Rex from Clone Wars. Like, 3 different versions.

And then, these.
For some reason, these were the least offensive to me. So, now we have an official pair of light up Star Wars shoes. Straight from his mind and onto the shelves of the Stride Rite. Could not convince him that the cute plain navy ones were better. Who did I think I was kidding?

The best part of this whole experience has to be from the point of view of the clerk at Stride Rite. A woman in a stained t-shirt, athletic shorts, flip flops, and hair thrown haphazardly in a barrette, tsking and rolling her eyes at those "tacky" light up shoes.

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